Sat Sep 2023

Change & Transformation Breakfast Briefing: Best Practices, Challenges & Trends


Written by:
Lewis Gould,

Panoramic Associates are thrilled to bring you our first Change and Transformation Meetup! For this event, we were joined by three brilliant guest speakers: Nathan Pierce, Head of Smart London Team & Programme Director of Sharing Cities with the Greater London Authority, Karen Thorpe-Reid, Master Change Practitioner and Teresa Itabor, Transformation and Change Professional.

We explored best practices, challenges and trends within local authorities in change and transformation.

Currently working as a Programme Director with the Greater London Authority, Nathan also shared his overview of the Sharing Cities Programme, thoughts on post-pandemic agile working and business as usual, and big digital innovations for local authorities.

From all of our speakers, we heard their exciting opportunities for local authorities to collaborate and innovate creative ideas to elevate their change and transformation programmes!

You can watch the full recording here:

About Nathan:

Nathan Pierce is the Head of the Smart London Team based in the Greater London Authority in the UK. He is also the Programme Director for Sharing Cities, a pan-European programme that tests out innovative smart city solutions across a number of major European cities, replicating and scaling what works through new business and investment models.

Nathan has 15 years’ experience across a range of public sector bodies having led on major service design and commissioning projects within London and at a European level. Nathan is determined to improve the lives of regular people by finding innovative ways to make government more sustainable, efficient and citizen focused.

About Teresa: 

Teresa Itabor is an experienced Transformation and Change professional, with a track record of delivering major service improvements in Local Government and Housing Associations.

Teresa has spent the last 20 years as a transformation and change leader, working with directly CEOs and Senior Leadership teams in Local Authorities, designing, automating and streamlining business processes through the use of technology and implementing effective Target Operating Models.

​About Karen: 

Prior to founding Premier Change Consulting, Karen held leadership roles with public and private organizations including Shell Oil, TFL, Network Rail, Carphone Dixon & TalkTalk. At age 26 Karen joined Shell as Head of Customer Service before becoming the Director of Customer Service within 18 months where she presided over 19 islands. As a senior global executive, she has been responsible for leading large teams (3000 plus members).

As a Transformation consultant Karen applies her years of experience in business leadership to challenge culture and convention. Driven and open-minded, Karen enjoys changing the way that things are done to generate benefits that will last a lifetime. Karen is also the founder of The Flexie Bench, a virtual platform that unites small companies, start-ups, and individuals in order to foster creativity and accelerate success.

We, at Panoramic Associates, thoroughly enjoy getting insights into our specialist market sectors, other organisations and perspectives. We run these events to build our collective knowledge and to provide opportunities to create a network of like-minded individuals.

Please in touch at with any questions or suggestions on future virtual meetups.

In addition, if there’s anything we can help you with in regards to sourcing candidates or finding a new role please do also get in touch.

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